Friday, December 15, 2006

The British did not fear Iraq

By F. Ellsworth Lockwood
Friday, December 15, 2006

The British did not fear Iraq prior to the U.S. invation of March 20, 2003, according to sources cited in a story by Associated Press writer D'ARCY DORAN. According to Doran's article, Iraq's military capability was at an all time low at the time of the invasion. The report was seen at:

Assuming Darcy's sources are accurate, it would appear that President George W. Bush used fear of WMDs or other weapons as a pretext in order to justifty an attack. The implication, of course, is that Sadaam Hussein's web page may have told the truth when the dictator claimed that there were no WMDs and that Bush was only using fear of WMDs as an "excuse" to justify attacking him. At the very least, Bush must have been padding the truth.